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Upload your logo

Upload the main logo for the site in the logo field. We recomment uploading a logo that has twice the size of the desired result. This will allow HD screen to display a crisp logo. We also recommend to upload a .PNG image with a tranparent background. JPG images do not allow transparent background and may look weird on a colored background or over the full width hero banner if enabled.

You can also upload a white version of your logo. This is an optional feature and will only be needed if you’re planning to use the Full width hero banner. When using this banner, an image will be placed under the logo and you can choose to display the white version when the background is dark to make sure there is enough contrast to be visible.

Logo position

Please select where the logo should be placed in the header. By default, it will be displayed to the left before the menu, but you can also center your logo in the middle of the screen.

Left logo

Centered logo

Logo size

We predefined 3 sizes for your logo to make sure it looks good in the header. Pick the one that fits your desired result.

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