Upload your logo

Upload the main logo for the site in the logo field. We recommend uploading a logo that has twice the height of the logo height setting you defined for desktop. This will allow HD screen to display a crisp logo. We also recommend uploading a .PNG image with a transparent background. JPG images do not allow transparent background and may look weird on a colored background or over the full-width hero banner if enabled.
⚠️ It is also preferable not to leave empty blank space around your logo image, this will make your logo look smaller in the header.
Logo height
You can select the logo size on desktop and mobile devices, which will determine the height of your header. Keep in mind that you should upload a logo that has 2x the height defined here for a better result on HD/Retina/4k screens. For example, if you’ve entered 35px as your logo height, you should upload a logo file that has 70px in height (the width depends on your logo design).