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Product card

Product cards are displayed throughout your shop in various modules or product grids. They can be customized to fit your needs, image style, and content.

Second product image on hover

This option allows you to display a second image on hover.

⚠️ Please note that this option may not work very well in combination with displaying a product image gallery or variant thumbnails, as described below. This is because when you hover the thumbnails, it will also change the main product image which may confuse the end-user.

Product content

You can decide if you want to display the long or short product title in the product card, the product description, brand and reviews.

Display product options (variants) and swatches

Displaying product options, images or variant swatches can be a useful way to provide your users with additional information on your product options. You must first set the product variants on your products to enable them on product cards.

Product image gallery thumbnails

This option will display a few of the product images as thumbnails below the product title. This can be useful to display different angles of your products.

Product variant image thumbnails

This option, similarly to the product image gallery thumbnails, will display the product images that are associated to product variants. This can be useful to display the different colors of your product.

Product swatches (color and image only)

This option will display the product variant swatches you have set for this product, but only the colors and image swatches. It won’t display dropdown menus or button swatches. This can be useful if you just want to show the color/image options of your products on the card, but not all the other options.

Product swatches (all swatches)

This will display all the product variant options. This may not be the best option if you have too many variant options on a single product, but is suitable if you just have a few.

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